Author: Curator


LONGware T-Pin Piton

I can thank Marty Karabin for providing Vertical Archaeology with these two LONGware T-stock pitons. The original owners were Dana Hollister and Bill Sewrey. It’s amazing that these two items are in good shape...


LONGware Swing Side Pulley

This pulley comes to our collection from Marty Karabin. It has passed through many hands in its journey to our archives. It was “appropriated” from original owner Jim Bridwells haul bags at the base...


CMI Kirk’s Kamms – 1976

Sometimes refered to as the “swivel of death”, these first generation Kirk’s Kamms were one of the interesting first steps into cam design and workable active protection. All though these pieces seldom inspired much confidence as lead...


1962 Charlet-Moser Hammer

Superb workmanship and a rugged design made this hammer a great tool for pitoncraft, drilling, and general mountaineering use. It has a good feel with just the right balance of weight between the head...


Edelrid Perlon Rope Display

Edelrid Mountaineering point of purchase display from approximately 1968. This display allowed the customer to get a good feel for the product and the true size of each cord. The largest size offered was...


1980 Au Vieux Campeur Catalog – Climbing Selection

Au Vieux Campeur is a French sporting equipment supplier which has offered high quality equipment for over seventy-six years. This catalog offers a great snapshot of mainly european equipment available in 1980 and includes some interesting...