Category: Soft Goods


Dolt Belay Seat

Originally purchased in 1972 by Ray Brooks, this DOLTSEAT belay seat has made appearances in several Supertopo vintage gear discussions. I recently acquired it from Mr. Brooks and would like to thank him for...


B.A.T. Tent

This B.A.T. (Basically Absurd Technology) Tent was designed by Warren Harding for use on some of his pioneering big wall climbs. This model was sold in 1971 and is an interesting step in the design evolution of...


Edelrid Rope – 1979

New-Old-Stock (NOS) Edelrid Perlon Bergseil climbing rope. Offered in a standard size available at the time, 11 millimeter X 45 meter, this rope was heavy but an excellent choice for walls or traditional rock climbing. We have...


Forrest Mountaineering Chest Harness

“New Old Stock” or NOS is a retail term used to describe older items still in original packaging but past their usual sales life. This Chest Harness is in perfect condition having been stored...