Category: Hardware


German Hobnails

One unopened box of four sided standard mid-sole hobs circa 1939. These nails were attached to the middle area of the forefoot and heel to increase grip and fill in the smooth sole. Muggers...


Leeper Z-Nuts

Sizes 2,3,4,5, and 7 of Ed Leepers Z-nuts. I believe there were 7 sizes of these offered, 1 thru 7. Ed Leeper debuted these new in late 1978/early 1979. They were an interesting idea but had...


Piton Carrier – Oval

This type of piton carrier was very handy back when a climbers rack of protection consisted of a selection of heavy and oddly shaped pitons. It was designed to be hung around the climbers neck...


Forrest Mountaineering P-Nuts

First released in 1982 this chock concept was designed to be simple, clean, and functional. The idea was to remove everything possible and leave only the wire and jamming surface. P-nuts met with limited...


Rawl Button Head Rivets – 1968

Rawl Drives or Button Heads or Rivets or Split Drives, they are known by several different names but for years they were a climbers drilled anchor of choice. These little spikes of zinc plated...