Forrest Mjollnir Hammer System
- Forrest Mjollnir Hammers (L to R): Wall Hammer Mjollnir with “nut pick” Mjollnir with “Skye pick” Bam Nut Tool Mjollnir with “alpine pick” and “hatchet” style handle Mjollnir with “tube pick” and “hatchet” style handle Nut pick Vector 1 pick Alpine pick
- Non-tapered fiberglass handle
- Detail of the “straight” style handle end. No leash attachment on the end but a threaded hole through the shaft.
- Mint condition fiberglass handle
- Detail of the leash attachment
- Detail of the hammer head profile and the pick attachment point
- Close up of the beveled head design
- Pick attachment point
- Detail of the hammer head showing the beveled sides and the casting marks
- Reverse side of the pick attachment point
- “Nut pick”
- Mint condition hammer with the original hex bolts
- Mjollnir hammer with “nut pick” style pick
- Rare intact Mjollnir logo sticker
- Detail of the handle end with the leash attachment point
- Detail of the pick and carabiner hole also the handle attachment point
- Detail of the stamped Forrest logo. Notice there is no “tree” outline around the FM
- “Hatchet” handle
- Forrest Mjollnir Hammer with “tube” style pick
- Close up of the end of the “hatchet” style handle. Notice there is no leash attachment point on this model.
- Detail of the head showing the FM tree logo and the pick attachment point
- Forrest Mjollnir Hammer Top: Hatchet handle hammer with a “alpine” style pick Bottom: Straight handle hammer with a “Skye” style pick
- Detail if the head and pick attachment
- Detail of the “straight” style handle
- Detail of the “hatchet” style handle
- “Alpine” style pick
- Hammer with the “Skye” style pick
- “Alpine” style pick
- “Nut Pick” style pick
- “Vector 1” style pick
- Tube style pick with the original tip protector
- Detail of the “tube” style pick
From the 1983 Forrest Mountaineering Catalog:
The Mjollnir Hammer, the first hammer ever designed with interchangeable picks, has the distinction of having been selected for exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute. The interchangeable pick concept was developed by Forrest in 1974. Since then, Mjollnirs have become the favorite among climbers as an all-around snow-ice-rock climbing tool. The Mjollnir (named for the hammer used by Thor, the Norse God of Thunder) gives the climber, in a single tool, the choice of using a curved, drooped, or nut pick. No matter which pick is used, the Mjollnir always maintains it’s excellent balance.
Forrest originally developed the interchangeable pick concept to produce hammer picks that would not break. Heat treating the thick chrome-molybdenum head and the picks separately solved the pick reliability problem, and also resulted in a versatile tool uniquely adjustable to varying alpine conditions. The Mjollnir is now standard equipment on climbs ranging from local ice falls to Himalayan expeditions.
The Mjollnir comes with either a straight or a hatchet handle made of solid fiberglass, wich is unequalled for shock absorption and durability. We recommend the straight handle for use where many pitons will be driven, and the hatchet handle when the Mjollnir will be used mostly for ice climbing. Five Mjollnir picks are available.